Time of Event: 11 AM Central Time, 12 PM EST
Background: Statistics Canada has collected mental health data since 2002, from a variety of populations. This presentation will present an overview of some of the prominent Statistics Canada data sources that contain detailed assessments of mental health, and some of the data sources that assess mental health in a more general manner. Methods of accessing Statistics Canada data and how to submit a research proposal to access a Research Data Centre will also be provided.
For Zoom Link: tracie.afifi@umanitoba.ca
Recording: https://umanitoba.zoom.us/rec/share/moG2R5sIzViD3MBMR3z6P57H2MLhUSRxp6Q3OtATz7ekzsBYpn_dyRHaILlwfq9h.2RVjpHEbjlHf82pt
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